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Healthcare institutions

Relevant information for healthcare institutions can be found here.

Verification of the authenticity of the packaging and decommissioning of the Unique Identifier

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) no. 2016/161 of 2 October 2015 provides that the healthcare institutions must verify the safety features and decommission the unique identifier of any medicinal product bearing the safety features they supply to the public at the time of supplying it to the public.

The obligations of the healthcare institutions are described in chapters III and VI of the Delegated Regulation.

Pursuant to article 105-A(9) of Decree-Law no. 26/2018 of 24 April, the establishments and services holding an authorization for the direct procurement of medicinal products issued by INFARMED, I.P., that are integrated in public or private healthcare institutions, that provide medical and pharmaceutical services and inpatient treatment, are obliged to be connected to the national medicines verification system. For more information, see the answer to question 21 of the document Dispositivos de Segurança – FAQ, prepared by INFARMED, I.P.

Access to the medicines verification system

For a user to access the national medicines verification system, the access validation process must be successfully completed. This process is called onboarding process and its purposes are the validation of the legitimacy to access the system, the technical validation and the signature of the agreement governing the relationship between each entity and MVO Portugal.

The onboarding process consists of the following steps:

  • Filling in and sending the access request form. Once it is filled in, the form must be sent to the email address mvo.portugal@mvoportugal.pt.
  • Registering in the portal https://sws-nmvs.eu/. The technical documents (i.e., code examples, description of the interfaces, etc.) necessary for the development of the integrations with the national medicines verification system are available in this portal;
  • o Executing preliminary tests. The preliminary tests will be executed after successful registration in the portal referred to in the previous paragraph, using the baseline testing functionality. The tests are executed in the sandbox environment. The results of the tests must be documented in the form provided by MVO Portugal;
  • o Signing the draft of the contract. The draft of the contract will be sent by email after the reception of the access request form. Two hardcopies must be signed and sent to the following address:
    MVO Portugal – Associação Portuguesa de Verificação de Medicamentos,

    Edificio ATLAS I,
    Av. José Gomes Ferreira, nº 9, 4º
    1495-139 Miraflores, Algés

    After having been duly received and validated, one of the hardcopies, signed by MVO Portugal, will be returned.

Once the four steps described above have been successfully concluded, the access credentials to the national medicines verification system test environment will be granted and the process will be completed. Once the access credentials to the test environment, designated as IQE (see scheme below) have been granted, additional tests must be performed, prior to moving to the production environment. The tests to be executed are described and must be documented according with the documentation provided by MVO Portugal.

Once the steps within the test environment, described above, have been successfully concluded and validated by MVO Portugal, the access credentials to the production environment will be granted and the process will be completed.

farmacias esquema

More information can be found here and here.

legislacao internacional

Onboarding process national medicines verification system
fa fa-cog

MA and PIA Holders

MA and PIA Holders

Please find relevant information for holders of marketing authorizations and Parallel Import Authorization holders here.

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Relevant information for holders of a wholesale distribution of medicinal products for human use authorization can be found here

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Relevant information for pharmacies can be found here.

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Healthcare institutions

Healthcare institutions

Relevant information for healthcare institutions can be found here.

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